Saturday, July 11, 2009

Short road trip

The Texas peaches are in. We drove to a local orchard's roadside store. Open air. Friendly. Nice place. Good peach ice cream! Afterwards, we visited the local winery not far away. A lovely, but beastly hot, day.

I finished both rolls of Chrome I loaded on July 4. Mike Johnson's challenge, "Shoot at least two films a week" is tough. Especially when you work all week and it's 900 degrees outside.

The holiday is over. All black & white now. Fresh film in one body. Expired film in the other. At the moment, Plus-X 100 and old Delta 100. No metering confusion.

The 90mm Elmarit has yet to come out of the bag. Are 3 lenses 1 lens too many? I will force myself to use the 90mm lens. Assuming I can do without either the 35mm or 50mm lens.

It ain't easy.


1 comment:

  1. Wayne: When I was a lad, we used to make peach ice cream. There ain't nothin' like homemade peach ice cream on a hot summer day ... or a glorious autumn day ... or a cold winter day when visions of summer are so tantalizing ... or a warm Spring day when the promise of Summer seduces.
